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“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”

Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

The above is one of my favorite quotes and has been for years.  It marks such a radical point of view than the one I grew up with – that the best thing when you’re upset is to get going and “do” something about it.

Facing the dragon is something that can be difficult, or even terrifying.  That dragon seems so big and loud and scary – and very, very real.

When we’re experiencing the power of the dragon, it can be easy to get lost in our fears or pain.  It can feel like there is no other possibility for us.

That all our stories and self-criticisms and judgments are true – and inevitable.

That no matter what we do or how hard we struggle, this (lack, rejection, abandonment, hurt…) is all that’s available to us.  We have been found unworthy or undeserving of more. 


What if the dragon showing up in our lives is really an invitation to meet ourselves in those deep places we have been unwilling to visit before?

To really be present to the pain and despair of what we have carried and simply love yourself anyway?

To be the one to provide yourself with unconditional love and compassion? 

What could it create in your world if you related to yourself differently?

If you could see the filters you view your life through and choose to set them down?

If you gave yourself absolute permission to have whatever you’re having?

If you chalked it up to this human experience rather than being broken?

Yep.  You got it.

It would bring in joy, ease, peace, abundance and clarity.

You would always know what to choose because you would have access to divine wisdom in each moment.  (That wisdom already resides in you.)  It would create more that your mind can even imagine for yourself.

I have always found having guides on my journey to be invaluable.  One of the most profound ways I have found to connect with my heart and learn to accept all of who I am has been on retreat.

When I was in retreat a couple of weeks ago (and I have 2 more I’ll be attending this year) I realized what a sacred space it creates to shut off outside input and really take a deep dive into whatever comes up.  In my daily life, I have found plenty of distractions or excuses to not “go there” with myself.  Taking the time out to go on retreat creates a different energy field where new insights and possibilities open up.

The Re-Pair and Renew Retreat is still happening April 16-19, 2020 in Ridgway, CO.  This is already forming into a magical, transformative experience where we get to let go of the things that have been holding us back and learn how to create more of what we want.  By learning how to be in alignment and listen, you will re-pair with yourself.  That is where the healing is. Get more info here.

Take a deep breath.  Put your hand on your heart.  Is this experience something that calls to you?  Before your mind jumps in, let the soft whisper of your heart answer.  The logistics will figure themselves out once you choose what is true for you.  This will be a small group and one where you can relax, feel safe and renew. Register here.

I know that this experience is going to be so powerful. I can’t wait to see you there.

To our collective health,

P.S. There are still a few spots for the Re-Pair and Renew Retreat held in Ridgway, CO in April! If you’re ready to get away from it all and deepen into yourself, please join us! Click here for more information.