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There has been so much concern about the Coronavirus in the last number of weeks, and many people have been asking about how to boost their immune system. 

The truth about the Coronavirus is that it is a virus. It is similar to the flu. All winter long, many of us were exposed to the flu, but few actually got it. It is not the bug or virus itself, it is our internal milieu that determines our susceptibility.

So what can you do?

The answer, of course, is YOU. Taking care of you as a whole person is the best way to keep your immunity strong and healthy.

When we are tired, stressed and mal-nourished, we are more susceptible. Period. End of story.

When we are eating foods that are nutrient-dense, sleeping well, and moving our bodies, we are stronger. This allows the divine wisdom of the body to function smoothly and optimally – without the need for intervention.

And while there is certainly evidence that some nutrients (vitamins D, A, C, zinc) and herbs (astragalus, elderberry, lemon balm, and andrographis) can help to support you and your system, they are NOT the answer. (There’s actually some research that demonstrates that too much of some of these vitamins can be detrimental!)

Here are some tips that can keep you healthier:

  • Avoid sugar – each teaspoon lowers the immune system for 6 hours!! 
  • Get 8 hours of sleep each night – this is when your body repairs itself. 
  • Avoid dairy – it is a mucous forming food that clogs up your lymph flow.
  • It can’t be killed by hand sanitizer, but washing your hands is an excellent precaution. 
  • Stress of any kind stimulates the immune system and creates inflammation, so now is an excellent time for breathing, meditating, exercising, journaling, getting massage or acupuncture or cranio-sacral…really, anything that supports balance in your nervous system. 

Check out the video below for more tips on how to boost your immune system with ease:

The primary concern I have about the Coronavirus is the mass anxiety and stress that it is causing almost every individual I talk to about it. (Click here for a great article in Psychology Today for more details). 

The good news is that YOU have choice of where to focus your mind. You can choose to breathe and remember that you have everything you need in each moment. You can continue to celebrate this life rather than live in fear.

Post a comment below to let me know your plans to boost your immune system and celebrate your life this week!

To our collective health,

P.S. There are still a few spots for the Re-Pair and Renew Retreat held in Ridgway, CO in April! If you’re ready to get away from it all and deepen into yourself, please join us! Click here for more information.