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How are you?  I really want to know.  Please know there is no distance between us – this event is bringing us more and more into unity consciousness!  I know it can seem dark at times, and there are moments where our minds simply won’t rest or allow any of the major changes before us.  When we can be present to whatever it is that is coming up, offer ourselves love and compassion no matter what is present, and breathe deeply into what is here, we can move through ANYTHING with ease and grace.  

With an open heart, I offer you an invitation to join the conversation in our FaceBook group – this is a sacred space for feeling uplifted, inspired and connected.  Let me know what the gift is that you are noticing from all of this. I’d love to hear from you there!

And if FaceBook isn’t your thing, that’s ok.  I get it. Email or text.  Write a letter.  Call. Reach out.  

Some of you have asked about staying more closely in touch during this time.  I am thinking about offering a monthly membership where you’d have access to 2 live calls each month, a private FaceBook group, and other resources to stay grounded during this time.  If this sounds interesting to you, please let us know by emailing us!  

We are stronger together.  

Here is another invitation – a new filter to look through, a different point of view to consider.  What if this, ALL OF THIS, is really a gift???

With light and love,