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Regain Your Vitality

Naturopathic Medicine to heal your body, mind and soul. 

Your Body is Talking To You … It’s Time To Listen

Attention multi-tasking, career-driven, caretaker superwomen …

Are you ready to stop abandoning yourself to cater to everyone else?

The stressed out, anxious, tired feeling ..

… nor the body pain, upset stomach, insomnia, wacky hormonal activity, and unwanted weight gain …

…will subside…

…UNTIL we decipher what your body is yearning for. 

You’re running out of energy – I know!

I’m here to help you rebalance, recharge and reignite your natural vitality so you don’t have a meltdown on your partner, get more meds from your doc or spend hours in therapy only to continue with the same symptoms.

Hi, I’m Doctor Nicola

After more than 2 decades in practice as an ND, what I have come to know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that the only medicine you really need more of is YOU!

So often when our body is in pain or suffering, we think that something is wrong, the body is broken and needs to be fixed. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. The anxious mind is your true north for when you are making choices that are out of alignment for you. The joint pain is a signal when you are using your body in a way that is too harsh or not supportive. The digestive upset is telling you that your emotional body needs tending. Insomnia is the red flag saying that life is imbalanced and there’s too much on your plate.

Your body is constantly telling you how to come back to center. Those quiet whispers are often ignored, suppressed, avoided, or run away from because they require us to consider change.

As your guide, I help you slow down and listen. Through this process of repair, you will see that you are your wisest advisor.  By connecting you back to yourself, you will discover that you actually know EXACTLY what’s required to heal. We will face the perceived obstacles and explore the unknown together.

How we can work together

Challenges & Group Programs

The Durango Detox

A 10-Day Naturopathic Cleanse to Overcome Low Energy, Release Irritability, and Rebalance Your Body

We are living in an environment that is ever more polluted and toxic. It is harder and harder to enjoy optimal health and keep all of our organs functioning well.

Let’s clear out mood swings, irritability, tiredness and bring in energy, clarity, and balance.

This Detox includes nutrition recipes, home practices, optional supplements, and my support! 

Plus bonuses for overcoming cravings, better focus and breathwork.

Take the 30 Day Sugar-Free Challenge

Want more energy, balanced moods, and better sleep? 

Sugar is holding you back. It keeps you anxious, sluggish and depletes B vitamins, (which are crucial to mood and hormone balance).

On a heart level, it can be a poor substitute for whatever else it might be that can make us feel rewarded, relaxed, or cared for.

Going sugar-free for JUST 30 days can restore your hormonal balance, keep you clear-headed, and feeling better than ever. 

And, you don’t need to do this alone. Get the knowledge, support & accountability you need to make it through.

Become Your Own Best Friend
(Virtual Program)

This is a 5-Week Virtual Program where you will heal your inner critic, let go of guilt and put yourself first!

In this online class, you will learn: “Unconditional Love,” “Self-Care as Service,” “Letting Go of Guilt, Resistance and Shame, ” “Hearing and Healing Your Inner Critic,” and “Self-Love and Pleasure”.

You’ll also receive a Becoming Your Own Best Friend Journal, access to the Private Online Community with support from Dr. Nicola, as well as bonus audios and lessons from guest experts.

Work With Me One-on-One

Personalized Vitality Program

In this 12 week program, I will assist you privately in decoding the messages from your body so you can finally heal. I will help you clear the cloudiness and see through the stories, layers and conditioning of the mind and society.

I’ll listen deeper to your body, and teach you how to find answers within yourself.  We will support your body with a special combination of herbs, vitamins, amino acids, homeopathy, quantum healing, harmonization of the energy fields within and around you, nutrition, visualization, breathwork, and mind-body counseling personalized to you and your needs.

This program includes 6 one-on-one virtual sessions + remote work in between sessions including balancing, harmonization, review of lab work, & discussions with your other providers as needed.

As your symptoms resolve, you’ll experience more balance, feel more joy and fulfillment, your energy will return, and you will be GLOWING!

Personal Retreat with Dr. Nicola

You’ve been on a journey and come so far. And you know there’s more out there for you, you just don’t know how to access it within yourself… A personal retreat is a deep dive into you – what else is possible? What’s getting in the way? What really lights you up?

Creating an experience that is unique to you, you’ll establish a mindset free of obstacles and a heart that’s ready to say “yes” to all it desires. Whether you’re dealing with chronic illness, overwhelmed with life’s demands or just not feeling “well”, we will get to the underlying causes of dis-ease and create strategies to show up in your life more fully, with more pleasure, joy and ease.

We can choose any location in the world that calls to you. We will use movement, breath, energy, food, and presence to change your world. I will teach you how to align with your heart so that you never feel lost again and unlock more resources than your mind can imagine! We can incorporate other modalities like massage, craniosacral therapy, nutritional IVs, infra-red sauna, acupuncture, salt float…We’ll spend the time we need to get to know your intentions and customize a program that is perfect – just for you. Because everyone needs more of YOU! And you are your most potent cure!

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